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Rural Alaskan Grave

Your One Wild and Precious Life

This is usually a work-focused blog but I wanted to break from that, for a moment, to ask you a question – What is it you’re working for?  I’ve asked myself this question at least a dozen times in the last several weeks. And reflecting on it led to the realization that: The periods of my life marked by […]

1925 Drexel Women's Rifle Team

No one’s going to give you permission

I recently crossed the threshold into affiliate marketing fossildom; namely, turning 30 years old. For an industry as young as internet marketing is proving to be, it feels two ticks to the right of ancient.

But I digress.

Allow me 60 seconds of your time to distill a myth that I bought into, hard and heavy, for most of my twenties. It is a complete waste of time.

You don’t need permission to ________________. (Insert whatever it is you want here).

Seriously. Read it again.

attitude charles swindoll


While rummaging through some old papers early this morning I stumbled on a quote I kept on the cork board above my desk in college.

I thought it practicable when I was 19, but in rereading I find so much more truth to it today, ten years worth of life experiences later.

working solo

631 Days of Working for Myself

I quit my nine-to-five 1 year, 8 months and 21 days ago. There are a few things I wish I had known before setting out and quite a few I have to keep reminding myself along the way. So rather then scrawl it into yet another notebook I thought I’d publish it.

If you haven’t left your job yet…

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." – Benjamin Franklin


Random Quote

Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.

— Jim Rohn